
クイーン + アダム・ランバート 豪雨の中で演奏




What did I say about rain ? Jeeez. ... probably the wettest gig we ever played. All the weather forecasts - even on the day - were completely, utterly wrong ... it changes everything, of course, and just plain endurance becomes a big part of the evening. But we WERE prepared to a degree. And somehow the sharing of this insane occasion breeds a strong feeling of brother and sisterhood ! And adding in a strong sense of humour the night became very special. Thanks folks - in all that torrential rain I don’t think one person relinquished their post !! Yeeeeeow !!! Bri (video : Pete !) And yes I did play my original Red Special tonight - I would never play a gig without her. And yes she and I both got very wet - and yes - it’s not good for either of us ! But - the Show Must Go On - and it was worth it to see those happy faces !! Bri

Brian Harold May(@brianmayforreal)がシェアした投稿 -

ブライアン・メイがインスタグラムで公開している "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" の動画では、豪雨の中、アダム・ランバートが傘をさして歌っている様子が映されている。

管理人K (久保田直己

QUEEN in JAPAN - クイーン・オフィシャル・ブック

(2020/1/17 22:01時点)

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